Thursday, February 3, 2011

Special Assignment: Celine Latulipe

 Special Assignment: Celine Latulipe

Reference Information:
ToneZone: Image Exploration with Spatial Memory Cues by Celine Latulipe, Michael Youngblood, Ian Bell, Carissa Orlando; ADM Creativity and Cognition Conference '09; October 27-30, 2009; Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.

The paper that I read about was about the ToneZone program that takes advantage of the muti-touch interface and allows users to more accurately select and modify the tone of a picture. Adjusting the horizontal and vertial area of the picture would allow the user to determine the tone range of the picture in question. The system makes it much more fluid and easy for the user to do so. IT also keeps a log of all the changes the user makes to make the system much easier to manipulate and change back later if they decide to go in a different direction.

I am not that into photo editing so this kind of system is rather foreign to me. I think its is a really good system and it looks like it uses some of the latest technology and makes it quite easy for the user to change and manipulate. I don't see myself ever getting to use a system like this but I think that if I was into photo editing and tone manipulation that this would be very easy to learn and understand.

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